Green Oak Woman Seeks to Bring More Views to County Commission
A Green Oak Township woman is seeking a seat on the Livingston County Commission in order to broaden the views represented on the board.
Christine Kaczkowski has an extensive record of volunteering in local schools and sports, as well as a career in public accounting.
“We need to end the one-party rule in Livingston County. The only way to make real progress and improve everyone’s qualify of life is to have a spectrum of ideas and approaches, something that has been absent in our county’s leadership for far too long,” she said.
Kaczkowski has filed for the Democratic nomination for County Commission District 9, which covers all of Green Oak Township plus Precinct 5 in the southeast corner of Hamburg Township.
Kaczkowski works in public accounting, helping clients understand tax law, business planning, budgeting, forecasting, trust and estate management, bookkeeping, and much more — skills that would be an asset to the County board.
The mother of two boys, she has been involved in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, PTO in both elementary and middle school, and her sons’ football, baseball, and basketball teams as a team mom and head coach.
Kaczkowski said she would work to make sure all parts of the district are represented. “I have never felt adequately represented as a resident of Green Oak Township. I feel like our area is often overlooked, so many people in my area feel disconnected from the county.”
“The current board’s response to the global pandemic was far too politically charged and has left gaping holes in equitably serving their constituents in the County,” she said. “The board has no real interest in hearing from people who don’t follow the same political line they subscribe to. It is not acting in the best interest of our residents.”
Kaczkowski said she would also work to improve services for senior citizens, veterans, and other marginalized members of the county.
Kaczkowski has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Michigan University. She has been married for 20 years to Chris Kackowski and has lived in the county for nine years. She has been president of Millenium Middle School PTO, committee chair for Scout Troop 38, former fundraising chair at Brummer Elementary School, and committee member for Brummer Neighborhood Council PTO. She has been a precinct delegate for four years for the Livingston County Democratic Party.
Persons wishing more information may contact Kaczkowski at or visit her Facebook page,