Brighton Volunteer Seeking County Commission Seat
A Brighton woman who serves on multiple area boards is running for the Livingston County Commission to help build a feeling of community in the Brighton area.
“Community is at the heart of what I do, and I aim to build community here in the City of Brighton and in Brighton Township,” said Caitlyn Perry Dial, of Brighton.
Dial is seeking to represent District 7 on the county commission, which covers the city of Brighton and precincts 1,3,4,5,7,8, and 9 in Brighton Township.
“I am running because I believe that the people of Livingston County deserve to have a diversity of voices on the county commission,” she said. “One-party rule in this county has marginalized the voices of fully 40% of the voters who live here. I want a seat at the table because I want to give these voters a voice, too.”
Dial said the current commission’s focus on keeping huge balances of unspent funds in county coffers to keep the County’s bond rating high has the side effect of starving county services of funds.
“Having a strong financial position is a good thing, but many services suffer from lack of funding,” she said.
“Simply put, our county is sitting on unspent taxpayer funds while our health department runs on fumes and our veterans go without the full support promised in the 2016 millage approved by voters.
“Meanwhile, our county board picks fights in order to stoke imaginary ultra-right culture wars. I want to put ideology to the side and get down to the real work of our county — supporting our citizens.”
Dial has a record of deep involvement in the community. She is a member of the Brighton District Library Board of Trustees, the city of Brighton Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Brighton Area Historical Society. She is also vice-president of the Michigan Museums Association, a statewide organization committed to building thriving museums for local communities.
Dial has a doctorate in history from Western Michigan University, a master’s in history from Wayne State University, and a bachelor’s from Michigan State University. She is currently director of development for Michigan State University Libraries and was formerly executive director of Michigan Women’s Historical Center and Hall of Fame.
She is married, and she and her husband Phil have two young boys.
People wishing more information may visit her Facebook page or email her at